I Am A Senior, Would CBD Products Help Me?

CBD oil, known for its miraculous effects on mental as well as physical disorders has become the go-to health partner of numerous people. Advancing age comes with several degenerative health conditions that may get complicated if dealt with other invasive treatments. 

Whether you are a senior citizen or are trying to find an alternative to pharmacuticals for your grandparents, you might be wondering whether CBD is safe to consume for elderly people or not? What are the effects of CBD on seniors? These questions might be hitting you up if you’re a senior and that too for legit reasons. For the past few years, CBD has been seeming to take over all across the health communities. Many people are considering CBD products to help cure as well as prevent various ailments. 

This article is a diligently researched account of all the ways CBD can help you if you’re a senior. We came across interesting facts like the role of cannabinoids in the human body, through their active interaction with the endocannabinoid system of the body. CBD interacts with various neurotransmitters and receptors in the body, which makes it capable of influencing the body's healing processes. 

Also, its non-psychoactive properties make it perfect to be used by older adults. Being available in various forms makes it even easier to be used and made a part of the routine. CBD is helping everyone, why not you?

Health Benefits of CBD for Seniors 

Here are some of the potential ways you can get benefits from CBD:

  1. Neurodegenerative Disorders

The human nervous system also tends to degenerate over time. This degeneration leads to the loss of various cognitive functions of the nervous system. Aging is an inevitable process and if you’re going through it, CBD can prove to be a promising assistant to several health conditions related to aging. As your neurons start to deteriorate you’re most likely to fall prey to various neurodegenerative disorders. 

CBD might be a promising product in the fight against neurodegenerative diseases. A loss of neurons in different parts of the nervous system leads to a corresponding decline in cognitive and motor functions; these conditions, such as Parkinson’s, dementia, and stroke, cause the brain and nerves to deteriorate over time. Researchers are actively studying brain receptors to uncover the ways that CBD could help.

Recent research shows that CBD products can interact with your neurotransmitters which play quite an important role in how your brain functions. It directly interacts with the factors involved in the maintenance of good brain health. This interaction helps relieve neurodegenerative disorders as well as helps prevent them in the future.

  1. Maintenance of Stable Mental Health

CBD oil, according to recent research from the National Library of Medicine tends to interact with hormones that regulate moods and mental health. CBD can directly interact with receptors and hormones like serotonin and adenosine. Hence, CBD oil can help relieve stressful mental states. 

As a senior citizen, it’s quite normal to go through stress, depression, and anxiety as a result of changing lifestyles, isolation, and lack of productive activities. The calming effect left behind with every use of CBD oil can help induce calming sensations to the body that eventually help to stabilize moods and to embrace external situations better. 

  • Aid To Good Night’s Sleep; Fighting Insomnia
  • Sleeping is like recharging the whole body! Many processes of healing and regeneration take place while we sleep. So missing out on sleep in an age where you’re more likely to undergo degenerative phenomena can be very harmful. 

    Seniors tend to suffer from sleeplessness and insomnia due to the chemical and hormonal changes taking place in the body. Sometimes the regular medications also affect sleeping patterns. All these conditions need to be treated, and that’s when CBD products come into play.

     CBD oils tend to relieve causes of stress, anxiety, and depression, leaving a soothing effect in the body that helps the body relax and sleep well throughout the night without disruptive pauses. 

  • Relief From Pain and Inflammation
  • Reportedly over 85 percent of senior citizens go through the problematic condition of pain due to several health conditions including arthritis. CBD oil helps relieve chronic pain by interacting with the endocannabinoid system of the body. 

    Interaction of CBD with pain receptors is crucial to its effective assistance in pain relief. Research shows that it is possible to decrease pain with CBD and without experiencing any of the usual side effects associated with painkillers.

  • Bone Health
  • A recent statistics report unleashed how osteoporosis is becoming one of the most common and painful ailments for senior citizens. According to the report, as men and women touch their 50s, they’re likely to fall prey to osteoporosis. The chances go like 33% in women while 25% in men. 

    CBD shows a unique ability to interact with the body in such a way that it tends to start repairing and healing itself. Various effects induced by CBD like good brain and heart health, enhanced appetite, peaceful sleeping patterns, and hormonal stability make sure that your body is never malnourished. 

    This way, regenerative processes in the body tend to slow down and thus strengthen the bones. In case of a fracture, the cannabinoids tend to relieve inflammation and induce swift cell growth and repair. 

  • Heart Health
  • Heart decreases have always been ranked as on the top in the diseases responsible for deaths in senior citizens. CBD has been also aiding to deal with heart problems and maintaining good heart health. CBD may also interact with the body to help relieve hypertension which is one of the most common causes of heart ailments.

  • Cancer Treatment
  • A recent study found that molecules have a certain chemical structure with a binding profile that proficiently binds to the cancer cells and diminishes their growth to quite a great extent. 

    Also, it has been keenly observed by experts in a Science Direct Journal published in 2020 that CBD helps reduce the side effects chemotherapy undergone by the patients, especially seniors. 

  • Enhance Appetite
  • CBD oils are known for their role in enhancing appetite. If you’re experiencing aging, don’t let the aging factors lead you to malnutrition because of a lack of appetite. Losing appetite is quite normal but its effects might not be very normal for you. You may start losing weight in a while if you don’t look up to the matter. 

    How Much CBD Should Seniors Take?

    CBD doses are generally not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. Most people have to choose the kind of product that's best for them based on their body and health conditions. There are a few facts that might help if you're a senior and trying to figure out CBD dosage for yourself. 

    • The dosage ranges so widely from minimal quantity up to 10 milligrams every day to a comparatively immense amount of 1500 milligrams. None of the doses really show any prominent side effects to seniors but it's crucial to develop a dosage gradually. 
    • The average dose of CBD ranges from 50 mg to 100 mg per day, which may be a good way to get started. 
    • Never start with an immensely high dosage. With CBD, less is more! 
    • How your body reacts to CBD may vary from other people’s experiences. It doesn’t make your body abnormal in any way. It's because of your endocannabinoid system that works differently in everybody. 
    • Chalk down your experiences as you increase the dosage gradually and figure what syncs with your body the best 
    • If you’re taking other medications start with a minimal dose of 2.5 milligrams, but if that is not the case you’re good to go with 5 milligrams. 

    CBD Safety Tips for Seniors

    As the CBD industry is swiftly making its way to the public including individuals of all age groups, many people are getting into Business. You never know if the brands you’re trusting are trustworthy enough or not. Seniors have to be way more careful about fraudulent retailers. 

    • Make sure to go for CBD products that are third-party tested. 
    • Don’t buy a product unless you’re sure about it. Take your time and make a safer decision. If you are using any other medications at the same time, you ought to be even more careful. And if that’s the case talking to your physician is also a good idea. 
    • Diligently work on the constituents of the product. Figure out what kind of CBD oil is present in the product. 
    • Don’t run after cheaper products. if a product is rather expensive but assures you of organic ingredients go for it. 
    • Always make sure whatever you buy carries a COA or Certificate of authority. The certificate is a guarantee that the samples got tested through laboratory tests by a third party and got approved. It also shows that the product is free from any harmful substances. 


    Wrapping up all the facts and recent research mentioned throughout the article, we conclude that if you’re a senior citizen, CBD products can prove to be quite helpful in various health conditions, if chosen and used wisely. 

    All these health conditions are a legit part of a body that is gradually aging. As CBD comes from natural resources and tends to synchronize with your body’s receptors and neurotransmitters, the results can be miraculous. However, it is recommended to consult your healthcare professional before trying any CBD product to be on the safe side. 



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