Summertime Recipes Incorporating CBD | Living Matrix

Summertime Recipes Incorporating CBD

Temperatures are heating up; summer is right around the corner. More consumers are interested in incorporating CBD oil into their meals. We’ve compiled a few of our favorite summertime recipes incorporating CBD oil to share with you. These recipes are all easy to make and can be made in advance.

Our Favorite Summertime Recipes Incorporating CBD

Summertime is all about staying cool, eating lighter and packing as much flavor into a bite as possible. These summertime recipes incorporating CBD oil will help you see just how versatile the tinctures you use regularly really are.

Tomato and Zucchini Pesto Pasta Salad

This pasta salad can be made a day in advance. It can also become an entrĂŠe by adding grilled chicken, steak, shrimp or any other protein.

1 pound penne pasta (whole wheat or chickpea pastas are great substitutes)

½ cup toasted pine nuts

3 roma tomatoes seeded and diced

1 zucchini (a small one from your garden or grocery store)

Pinch of sea salt

1 tablespoon freshly ground black pepper

½ cup walnuts

½ cup olive oil

1 tablespoon CalmWay Unflavored Hemp CBD Extract 500 mg or Spectrum Plus 1000

ž cup grated parmigiana-Reggiano cheese or pecorino and asiago

3 cloves fresh garlic

Âź cup fresh Italian parsley

2 cups fresh basil

Start by putting water on to boil seasoned with plenty of salt for your pasta. Once the water has come to a strong boil, add the pasta and cook it per the package instructions. Every brand cooks differently. Drain when al dente.

Seed and dice your roma tomatoes. Slice your zucchini into manageable sections and then slice those pieces lengthwise creating 3 pieces. Slice those into 3 sections and cube the zucchini small. Zucchini can be consumed raw, but you can also give it a quick blanch if you’d prefer.

Next, toast your pine nuts in a dry nonstick skillet and toss them into a bowl with your roma tomatoes and zucchini. Toast the walnuts the same way but set those aside for the pesto.

Now, make your pesto by adding your basil, garlic and walnuts to a food processor or blender. Slowly drizzle in ½ of the olive oil and then add your cheese. Drizzle in the rest of the olive oil slowly. The pesto will be a little thick, but if it is too thick for your liking, add another tablespoon or two of olive oil.

Next, add your pasta to the bowl of zucchini, pine nuts and tomatoes. Chop your parsley coarsely and add that to the bowl. Fold in your pesto and CBD oil. Serve chilled or at room temperature.

Simple CBD Oil Whipped Cream

CBD oil works best with fat, so it’s ideal for fresh whipped cream. Choose any of our CalmWay CBD Extract flavors – orange, lemon or peppermint.  Top your favorite dessert or chilled punch with your infused whipped cream.

2 cups heavy whipping cream

1 tablespoon of your chosen hemp CBD extract

1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste

1 tablespoon powdered sugar (stevia can be substituted)

Start by chilling your mixing bowl and beaters in the freezer for 30 minutes. Add the cream, vanilla bean paste and powdered sugar to the chilled mixing bowl. Start to beat the mixture on low and slowly increase the speed every minute. Once the cream starts to create soft peaks, add the CBD extract. Beat until the peaks are stiff.

Closing Thoughts

These two summertime recipes incorporating CBD oil are versatile. They can be made ahead and have multiple uses. The pesto pasta salad can be a dinner for your family or a dish to pass at a gathering. The infused whipped cream can also go on top of coffee drinks, can be used as frosting or can top any dessert – including a simple fruit bowl.

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